X-Men '97: The Mutant Revival
A Nostalgic Return to the Animated Classic
Created by the Masterminds Behind the Original
The highly anticipated animated series X-Men '97 is a passion project brought to us by creators Beau DeMayo, the mastermind behind Marvel's animated series M.O.D.O.K., and Stan Lee, the legendary co-creator of the X-Men comics. DeMayo has assembled a talented team that includes Jack Kirby, Beau DeMayo, and Cal Dodd, the original creators of the beloved 1990s X-Men animated series, along with George Buza, Holly Chou, and Ray Chase, who will reprise their iconic voice roles.
Reliving the Iconic Era of the '90s
X-Men '97 transports us back to the groundbreaking era of the 1990s, when the X-Men became a cultural phenomenon. The series revisits the beloved characters and storylines of that era, promising a nostalgic journey for fans and a thrilling introduction to the X-Men universe for a new generation.
A Band of Mutants with Uncanny Gifts
At the heart of X-Men '97 is a diverse cast of mutants, each with unique and extraordinary abilities. From the iconic Wolverine with his adamantium claws to the enigmatic Storm with her weather-controlling powers, the X-Men represent the marginalized and feared, but also the potential for hope and unity. Together, they fight for a world where they can live in peace, even if it's a world that often misunderstands and rejects them.
Exclusive Premiere on Disney+
X-Men '97 will exclusively premiere on the streaming service Disney+. The series is slated for release in Fall 2023, and fans can expect to relive the excitement and adventure that made the original X-Men animated series so beloved.